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NZの回想録/カトリンコースト(The Catlins)

執筆者の写真: NZ for YOUNZ for YOU



いかんせん、昔のことなので名所の記憶も今一つですが、まずはKaka point・・・ニュージーランドの南島、カトリンズの北端にある小さな街です。ダニーデンから南端のインバーカギルを通り、ミルフォードサウンドに至るルートをSouthern Scenic Route(サザン・シーニック・ルート)と言いますが、その途中にカカ・ポイントがあります。ここのナゲットポイントにある灯台から下を除くとたくさんのアザラシやアシカが岸壁に頓挫しているのを眺めることができます。


If you have enough time to drive around South Island, the catlins is strongly recommended. The Catlins (sometimes referred to as The Catlins Coast) comprises an area in the southeastern corner of the South Island of New Zealand.The area lies between Balclutha and Invercargill, straddling the boundary between the Otago and Southland regions. It includes the South Island's southernmost point, Slope Point.

A rugged, sparsely populated area, the Catlis a scenic coastal landscape and dense temperate rainforest, both of which harbour many endangered species of birds, most notably the rare yellow-eyed penguin. The coast attracts numerous marine mammals, among them New Zealand fur seals and Hooker's sea lions. In general terms the area enjoys a maritime temperate climate. Its exposed location leads to its frequently wild weather and heavy ocean swells, which are an attraction to big-wave surfers, and have also caused numerous shipwrecks.





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