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NZの回想録/Franz Jesef Glacier

執筆者の写真: NZ for YOUNZ for YOU



この氷河はマオリ語っではカロイマタ・オ・ヒネ・フカテレ(ヒネ・フカテレの涙)と呼ばれており、その言われは地元のマオリ族によって伝説よると、ヒネ・フカテレは登山をこよなく愛し、恋人のワウェを説得して一緒に登山をします。ワウェはヒネ・フカテレほど登山経験はなかったため、最終的には頂上で氷河に流されて死んでしまいます。ヒネ・フカテレは悲しみに暮れ、涙を流し、それが凍りついて氷河となったと言う伝説が語り継がれています。 フランツ・ジョセフ氷河の名前は、1865年ドイツ人探検家ジュリアス・ボン・ハーストによって発見され、オーストリアの皇帝フランツ・ジェセフに因んで呼ばれるようになりました。 この国道6号線には、他にもマセソン湖という呼ばれる湖があり、運がよければ鏡のように反射する写真が撮影できます。マオリの伝説残るこのフランツ・ジョセフ氷河、ぜひ旅行のアイテナリーに加えてみて下さい ^^

When you drive up from Wanaka along State highway 6 for 3.5 hrs, there are called a twin Glaciers. One is "Franz Jesef" and the other is "Fox" Due to the reason that there are a lot of rain in the West Coast, the summer season between Dec and Mar would be recommended for visiting. You can enjoy "Franz Josef Glacier Walk" which is 1.5 hrs tour or a helicopter tour which leads you to the top of the glacier. Franz Josef Glacier is currently 12 km long and terminates 19 km from the Tasman Sea. It exhibits a cyclic pattern of advance and retreat. The glacier advanced rapidly during the Little Ice Age, reaching a maximum in the early eighteenth century. Having retreated several kilometres between the 1940s and 1980s, the glacier entered an advancing phase in 1984 and at times has advanced at the phenomenal (by glacial standards) rate of 70 cm a day. The flow rate is about 10 times that of typical glaciers. Over the longer term, the glacier has retreated since the last ice age, and it is believed that it extended into the sea some 10,000 to 15,000 years ago. The Māori name for the glacier is Kā Roimata o Hine Hukatere ('The tears of Hine Hukatere'), arising from the oral traditions of local Māori: Hine Hukatere loved climbing in the mountains and persuaded her lover, Wawe, to climb with her. Wawe was a less experienced climber than Hine Hukatere but loved to accompany him until an avalanche swept Wawe from the peaks to her death. Hine Hukatere was broken-hearted and his many, many tears flowed down the mountain and froze to form the glacier. The first European description of one of the west coast glaciers (believed to be Franz Josef) was made in the log of the ship Mary Louisa in 1859.[5] The glacier was later named after Emperor Franz Joseph I of Austria by the German explorer, Julius von Haast in 1865. Lake Matheson is also attractive to visit near Fox Glacier where is famous for mirror views of Aoraki/Mount Cook and Mount Tasman. Must go.





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