その中で観光客が真っ先に訪れるのは『テ・プイア』ではないでしょうか。。。テ・プイアというのはマオリ語で、その意味は『The 間欠泉!』Teは定冠詞「The」を表し、この地はまさに間欠泉の中の間欠泉!といった感じです。確かに、これほど大きく吹き上げる間欠泉は、世界広しと言えども南半球では他にありません。
This is the first time I picked up for a tourist spot in North Island. After thinking twice, I believe Te Puia in Rotorua should be nowhere like this place in New Zealand. As for the Japanase, visiting Hot Springs should be part of our lives. NZ has full of geothermal activities everywhere and among them, Rotorua has been adored by not only Maori people but also many tourists historically. It"s also home to the largest active geyser in the Southern Hemisphere, the Pohutu Geyser.
Te Puia is an easy 3-5 minute drive from Rotorua city centre along state highway 5, the main feature of the geothermal park, the Pohutu Geyser.
The Largest Geyser in The Southern Hemisphere、the Pohutu geyser is said to erupt more that 30m high for 20 times per day, so the ratio of view is pretty low, but it continues a steady eruption for more than 10 minutes at least.
The activity of the Pohutu Geyser is one thing, but the silica terraces and stalactites that have formed underneath the geyser create the most beautiful water feature. Multiple viewpoints around the geyser give us different perspectives of these features, including a brilliant-blue pool right beside the geyser. It"s the most stunning collection of geothermal features we have seen in a single area.