Kia ora koutou, this is my first post for my homepage. (Although I have already introduced myself at the front page) I am originally from Japan, having emigrated to NZ. I currently enjoy working as a tour guide, however, NZ is also hugely affected due to the outbreak of Covid-19 at the moment and we must stay home except for essential purposes, so I have got plenty of free time! Now I am working on reviewing a number of photos in the past during tours as well as on holidays, I would like to share them, adding some comments on those photos from a guide perspective. I strongly hope people in the world recover from this predicament soon :) Kia Kaha!
どうか一刻も早く、ニュージーランドと日本が再び繋り、世界中が復活する日を願いながら、皆様も明るい未来へ向って頑張りましょう(_ _)