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執筆者の写真: NZ for YOUNZ for YOU

テ・プイアのポフツガイザー(右)とPrincess of Wales Feather(左)


観光大国のニュージーランドですが、海外の航空路線は依然止まったままですので、NZ経済に大打撃を与えていると連日報道されています。レベル1に引き下げられるまで、”まだまだ一ヶ月!”とジャシンダ・アダーン首相は伝えています。日本とは真逆の慎重な政策に対し、彼女を擁護する人の数絶えることはありませんが・・・やっぱり経済事情は厳しいですねぇ - -;


非常に活発な地熱活動によりこの地域はでは数多くの温泉があり、色彩豊かな様相を醸し出しています。ヨーロッパ人がこの土地を占領するまでは、カヌーで渡ってやってきたナティ・ファオア族の自治区でありました。今日では大勢のツーリストで賑わっており、1931年から保護区として保護されています。政府と長年共同経営の日々が続きましたが、2012年に地元のマオリ部族であるテ・アラワグループホールディングスがビジネスを購入したという歴史があります。ロトルアへ車で訪問された際には、ぜひワイオタプ地熱帯にお立ち寄り下さい (^^)

Hello everyone, due to Queen's Birthday on the date of 1st of June, NZ have been having a long holiday since yesterday. People are still worried about the influence of Covid-19 which causes fewer people going out on trip in comparison with every year. Anyway, TV news says that popular tourist sites like Rotorua have 90 % accommodations fully booked which sounds relieving. Our prime minister Jacinda Ardern mentioned we still need to wait for another month by the time of shifting to Level 1. How amazingly she is pretty much careful of the policy against Coronavirus compared to that of Japan. Probably she may be right, however it is true we are still in a tough situation economically and financially!

By the way, Wai-O-Tapu (Māori for "sacred waters") is an active geothermal area at the southern end of the Okataina Volcanic Centre, just north of the Reporoa caldera, in New Zealand's Taupo Volcanic Zone. It is 27 kilometres south of Rotorua. Due to dramatic geothermal conditions beneath the earth, the area has many hot springs noted for their colourful appearance, in addition to the Lady Knox Geyser, Champagne Pool, Artist's Palette, Primrose Terrace and boiling mud pools. Prior to European occupation the area was the homeland of the Ngati Whaoa tribe who descended from those on the Arawa waka (canoe).

The area has a long history as a tourist attraction. While the area has been protected as a scenic reserve[3] since 1931, a tourist operation occupies part of the reserve under a concession. It operates under the name "Wai-O-Tapu Thermal Wonderland". The business was bought in 2012 by Te Arawa Group Holdings, a local Maori tribal business, from the Sewell/Leinhardt family, who had run it for 30 years.





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