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執筆者の写真: NZ for YOUNZ for YOU


インバーカーギルの街から国道1号線を30kmほど南に進んだところがブラフという街で、国道1号線は、この町の南1kmのところにあるスターリング・ポイント(Stirling Point)で終点となっています。このスターリング・ポイントには、世界の主要な都市や観光地及び赤道・南極点までの距離・方角を指し示した標識が立っています。

ブラフという名前で、ニュージーランドに住んでいる人であれば”ブラフ・オイスター”が真っ先に思いつくんじゃないでしょうか。。ブラフの牡蠣はジューシーでかつ風味が高いことで有名です。その美味しい牡蠣は、寄生虫である Bonamia exitiosa(アセトスポラ) によって1990年代後半より著しく減少しているんだとか・・・牡蠣好きな人とっては、とても残念な話です。それでも、今日でもニュージーランド人だけでなく多くの観光客に愛されるブラフ・オイスター。ニュージーランド滞在中にぜひご賞味下さい。

Before visiting the far end of south Island, I stayed in Invercargill for one night. In the old days ('90), when there was only one supermarket in Queenstown, my friends working locally needed to go to Invercargill by car for shopping gloceries every month, which was still cheaper than shopping the same things in Queenstown ^^;

Bluff is 30 km (20 mi) by road from Invercargill, and the southern terminus of the Bluff Branch, the continuation from Invercargill of the Main South Line. This was one of New Zealand's earliest railways, opening on 5 February 1867.

Bluff is at the end of a peninsula that forms the western side of Bluff Harbour and Awarua Bay, with the port located in the relatively narrow entrance channel. It is on State Highway 1, which terminates one kilometre to the south of the town at Stirling Point. At Stirling Point, there is "the town's biggest tourist attraction",[5] a signpost showing the distance and direction to various major cities and locations around the world, including the Equator and the South Pole.

Bluff oysters are renowned for their succulence and flavour, and are considered a delicacy nationwide, with Bluff holding an annual oyster festival.[10] The oyster quota was severely reduced during the 1990s due to the effects of the toxic protozoan parasite Bonamia exitiosa upon the oyster beds.





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