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  • 執筆者の写真NZ for YOU

NZの回想録/ワイポウアの森(Waipoua Forest)





Hello everyone, I would like to talk about "Waipoua Forest' in the Northland of New Zealand. Although you recognaise New Zealand is surrounded by a rich beautiful nature, only 35% of the total land belongs to forest area. Prior to the first visitor from UK in 1769, the fact says 80% of New Zealand was covered by trees. A majority of the natural resources had vanished after the European settlers came to cut down thousands of trees. The Kauri tree which belongs to Agathis family which is commonly found in South Asia covered most of Northern part in NZ in the past, however, the tree is very versatile for the woodcraft men in terms of high flexibility and efficiency. As the result of the fact, only 2% of Kauri tree remain in NZ at the moment. They were often used for building ships, houses and making furniture for 200 years. Among Kauri trees, the largent Kauri lies calmly with sovereignty, called "Tane Mahuta" (H:51m, C:13.8m, D:4.5m)

I will talk a lot more about this forest later on ^^/



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