ニュージーランド南島に旅行される方の殆どは、ミルフォード・サウンド (Milford Sound)の名を耳にしたことがあるんじゃないでしょうか。ツアーであれば、必ずパッケージに入る名所中の名所。ユネスコの世界遺産(自然遺産)に登録されています。初めて訪問したのは1992年、まだまだ体力のあった私は2泊3日のルートバーントラックのトレッキングを終え、デバイドというバス停からバスに乗って、このフィヨルドランド国立公園へ向かいました。。とても懐かしいです。それ以降も何度かレンタカーで訪問しましたが、最も有名な山である標高1800mのマイターピークの様相は当時と全く変わりません。マイターピークは海水面から直接そそり立つ山としては、世界で2番目の高さを誇ります。
"The cloud is floating very low" this is my first impression in Milford Sound. I was wondering if it is just because of my eye illusion, however some toursts told me they had the same impression. It is taken for granted that most tourists have heard of Milford Sound if you travel around New Zealand. Milford Sound is a fiord in the south west of New Zealand's South Island within Fiordland National Park. It has been judged the world's top travel destination in an international survey and is acclaimed as New Zealand's most famous tourist destination. I have been there in 1992 after having copmleted the Routeburn Trekking for 3 days. Th beauty and serenity of Mtre Peak still remain the same as ever.
While Fiordland as such remained one of the least-explored areas of New Zealand up to the 20th century, Milford Sound's natural beauty soon attracted national and international renown. As a result of Milford Sound's high rainfall and the density of saltwater, the surface of Milford Sound is a layer of freshwater containing tannins from the surrounding rainforest. This filters much of the sunlight which enters the water, allowing for a variety of Black coral to be found at depths of as shallow as 10 metres, significantly closer to the surface than usual. Milford Sound is home to a variety of marine mammals, including Seals and the southernmost wild population of bottlenose dolphins. Whales, especially the Humpback and Southern Right Whales, are increasingly observed due to recoveries of each species. Penguins are also common within the sound, which is a breeding site for the Fiordland penguin and has subsequently been identified as an Important Bird Area by BirdLife International.